Dear Air Signs,
Please do not fret. I would not dream of addressing you like I did the water and fire signs and “make you” talk about your feelings.
I’d rather seduce you first by discussing your delicious mind…..
I bet I have your attention now.
Air signs can receive a bad rap for being too heady, abstract and uncomfortable with emotion.
Air energy has the ability to detach or let go of their personal experience in order to see things from someone else’s perspective.
This is actually super critical to the human experience and benefits us all at times.
Air ultimately gifts the world objectivity and amazing curiosity.
If we are careful to not become too engrossed, addicted or swept up in our mental body and thought patterns- we can actually ally with our minds to do great things-and Air reminds us of this.
Through the lessons of Air, we have the potential to hold our mental body as a brilliant sword- cutting through 'nonsense' to arrive aligned with sharp focus and truth. Air signs are also masters at adapting quickly to any situation.
Air gifts us the freedom to see things from so many different perspectives and if you are recipient of this gift-you are left feeling acknowledged, seen and recognized for who you truly are because someone is not personally involving themselves in your story- they are curious about what you are and bring to life.
Air signs also enable us to see things from a perspective we never thought of before.
They can offer an amazing zoom out perspective and help us innovate and shift.
Talk nerdy to me,
(Venus in Libra)