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Earth Signs: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn Part 2

It's taken me a ridiculous amount of time to finish writing part 2 on Earth element.

I have literally re written this blog 7 times.

Yes, people, yes.

One reason is I have zero planets in my birth chart in Earth Signs. And this is so helpful for me to know about myself- that Earth element can sometimes be more difficult for me.

So let's talk about that instead....

Even if one of the elements feels foreign to you or you feel lost around it- life will never stop sending you help.

I promise.

And holding a gentle and kind awareness with myself around this- that I might need more support- can help me to not beat myself up so much.

I can then have more space to begin paying attention to my life with eyes of love....

I have learned so much about Earth element from my relationships with others.

Some of my very best friends have earth in their birth charts and have been brilliant and necessary teachers for me to learn how to embody it for myself.

They have shown up at exactly the right time and sometimes literally saved my life by showing me a totally different perspective around caring for myself in the physical. They've been there to remind me to stay present in my body and how to make my environment more safe and sacred.

So tell me...what element have others supported you in learning more about that haven't come naturally to you?

Do you understand what signs all the planets in your chart sit in?

(Hi I give astrology consults if you don't- it's very enlightening and helpful to know) ;)

Love you,


Pictures: 30 year Taurus best friend for the win and Ash who stops me from walking out into traffic unknowingly, daily :) xo there's more friends not pictured and you know who you are... I love you deeply.


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