I have an intimate relationship with the element of fire- I am a certified firewalk instructor.
I love and respect the element, profoundly.
Fire is one of my greatest teachers and has taught me to pay attention, listen closely and move with admiration and honor. It has also taught me to respect its power.
Fire used in ritual is an ancient practice that spans the globe. It can be used for transformation, purification, raising energy, sending out prayer, blessing and initiating us in sacred ceremony.
So I begin by asking.....
What does fire mean to you?
What do you associate it with?
Is it positive or negative?
Do you fear it? Love it?
Fire element lives within us all.
We all hold an internal fire.
In Chinese medicine this called our dan tian.
Fire can burn.
And fire can transform, clear, clean bless, initiate....
If we are perpetually afraid of being burned by our own internal fiery nature or others we miss out on the blessings, gifts and important lessons it brings which can be lesser known.
Especially for Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries signs.
Tomorrow I will discuss ways these signs in particular can begin embracing their fiery nature by talking about the lessons and loves that come from having planets in those signs.
Fiery dances and kisses and hugs,