Our fire signs: Leo, Sagittarius and Aries are where we center ourselves through inspiration and freedom in our birth charts.
Fire signs can hold a reputation of being impulsive and hurtful.
And yesterday we acknowledged that fire can burn.
We also discussed how fire can transform, clear, clean and initiate.
So how do we reconcile the pain with the healing?
Well, fire is brilliant teacher at this.
Just like when we physically handle fire: we respect it by paying attention. We stay present and alert. We remain focused and in our physical bodies and we 'listen' to what the fire is doing and needing.
What if we treated our own internal fiery aspects with that much reverence and respect?
I'll say this again (because its revolutionary...)
What if we treated our fire with respect?
What if we treated other people's fire with respect?
Not fear. That's different.
The amazing thing is, when we are not acting from a place of fear, we can listen and see more clearly what is truly needed in any given moment.
Because fear can create a nasty divide between us and the truth.
If we can develop the capacity to sit with our own fire and not squirm to make it smaller, or add gasoline to make us feel more powerful or avoid it all together like its not happening- it can reveal our greatest strength and passion and truth. It can allow things to burn away that are no longer serving us and it can energize our goals.
SO...Where we have Sagittarius, Leo and Aries in our birth charts:
We have the capacity to bravely step forward in self. We have motivation, inspiration and undying strength.
We have honesty and freedom.
Aho fire.
I love you more than my luggage,