November 30, 2020
You know what?
I think your mind secretly wants to be your BF
Really. Come on, don't roll your eyes.
I wonder if it is always jumping up and down with scary thoughts just to impress you...
To hook your loving attention.
Aw, so sweet.
This full moon I invite you to try this...
Sit down with your sweet mind for 'a little coffee talk' and tell it specifically what you need from it.
Say thank you and no thank you to its anxious thoughts by redirecting it instead to a place that inspires, energizes and/or opens you.
Here's an example on how this might look:
"Hey sweet mind, thanks for the reminders- but I already double checked that the garage door is closed, the shower's turned off, and nobody is eating my expensive peanut butter because I hid it. So, it's like totally unnecessary to keep showing me burglars running through my open garage door, swimming through an upstairs flood to grab my beloved jar of peanut butter. That's a little excessive, buddy. You know what would be great...if you could help me focus on this online grocery list right now instead."
"Hey mind, no thanks, that's enough- I recognize I was really bummed after my 3rd grade spelling bee and I still can't spell 'pharaoh' correctly but it's not necessary to keep replaying it right now before my big presentation on zoom. I know I'm prepared now, I love what I am talking about, so let's focus instead on how I want to feel when I am done this time around.
You feel me?
When we can gently redirect our minds from made up stories, irrational fears, or past memories that are not serving us in that present moment- we can create more space to concentrate on the stuff that really matters to us.
We can focus on what amount of attention, affection, presence and love is necessary for ourselves and others in any given moment. And that's true magic. This full moon is helping us rediscover this kind of inspired concentration and focus for our lives.
So please take inventory if you will: What kinds of thoughts open and relax your body and help you become more energized? What kinds of thoughts remind you of what you really love and fill you with a greater sense of ease?
Love 4ever,
Art: Rabia Khan Alizai
