January 12-13, 2021
What structures need to go...
This new moon is about BIG transformation. Do you remember when Alice in Wonderland ate the "eat me" cookie and she grew so big she broke through the house and her arms and legs were hanging outside of the doors and windows? Got the image? Okay, perfect. So now... Where in your life are you feeling like Alice? Where have you outgrown the structures, containers, patterns and parts of your life that previously held you but no longer fit? When you feel into this- you might feel a little sad and you might feel a little excited, and that's okay. We put a tremendous amount of energy at times into our 'houses,' structures or containers. We do this so we feel grounded, safe and held- and that's beautiful and important. And its equally beautiful and necessary to trust when it's time to let things go so we can evolve more deeply into who we are here to be. We have a very natural sense when something becomes way too 'snug' and it's time to grow in different direction. Let's use the energy of this moon to open to something much bigger. Where can we be in greater service to this world by being more of ourselves today..
.not ourselves from yesterday? Here's to growing. Here's to letting go. Thanks Alice and mmmm.... cookies. I love you, M.