December 14, 2020
A Big, Free Love
We are extremely effective at using fear to motivate us in order to get things done. When we remember the thing we need to do, we frequently jump to the scary thoughts and consequences that might follow if we don't do the thing- whether it's rational or not. Examples: "I need to clean out the fridge: Sam is coming over. What if she opens the fridge?! She might smell the expired orange juice in there" (cue mental image of Sam opening fridge and dry heaving) And wa-la! Suddenly you are standing! Immediately motivated and walking to the fridge with a sponge and garbage bag. Or "I need to get my writing done today, I have that deadline tomorrow" (cue visual of missing deadline after Netflix binge crying as boss fires you) And Ta-Da! You are suddenly typing at your desk! Amazing! This is also known as the "I'll be in big trouble" technique. This technique can be very effective. And very unpleasant.
Another favorite technique of ours is "if I don't freak out over this, that means it's not important to me." Also effective. Also very unpleasant. And totally not true.
So here is what I propose this New Moon and Solar Eclipse: Let's use something less scary to motivate us with our actions, goals or intents. Because here's the thing- even though fear works, it's got a short game. In the long run,fear scatters our energy and depletes our bodies-big time.
And the good news is love can actually motivate us too. I realize you might be skeptical, I understand- you really don't want Sam to smell that stinky orange juice and this isn't the time for sketchy new ideas- but hang with me buddy...
Use the "I'll be in big trouble" technique with something in your life right now.... See how that feels. Now think of the greatest thing you love...the breathe.... See how that feels. What did you notice each time? I'm guessing you might have noticed your energy rise in both-however I'm also hoping you might have noticed there was no yucky after effects of worry with the love visualization. So both raise energy but only one sustains us and that's love, my darlings. The energy of love expands us. It can energize us into action and can help us move stuck energy, stories, and emotions. And I believe love is the most powerful force on earth.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is a wonderful time for us to practice this because it can aid in lasting change. And the energy of Sagittarius loves to teach us about big free expressions and learning new beliefs. And this is a serious time for setting things into motion that free us. Therefore, I propose taking the energy of this New Moon to create one new habit you LOVE in order to build energy for the rest of your day. Dance, cook, sing, play, write....
Allow love to propel you into motion...
Love you sugar plums, M. Art: Manzel Bowman